Образован 16 апреля 1932 года
Объект Всемирного природного наследия ЮНЕСКО (с 1998 года)
Включён во Всемирную сеть биосферных резерватов Программы ЮНЕСКО «Человек и биосфера» (МАБ) - 26 мая 2009 года
Входит в список «Global-200» - девственных или мало изменённых экорегионов мира, в которых сосредоточено 90% биоразнообразия планеты
More detailed information about the Above the Lake Project and its prospects can be found in the article «Environmental expeditions in the Altaiskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve: experience and prospects” in the collection of materials of the Teletskaya school of youth ecotourism (pp. 92-100). The article is a professional toolkit for organizing and undertaking ecological expeditions in a specially protected nature territory.
In 2011 ahead of the International Conference “Children, Youth and Environment: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding» and following in the footsteps of the Above the Lake Project, the international research expedition “ To the Lord’s Table” http://hraniteliozera.ru/index.php/novosti/64-nad-ozerom was undertaken, which proof-tested the eco-trail and found it perfectly fit for the purposes of active children and youth ecotourism.
Yevgeniy Veselovskiy
staff member of the Altaiskiy Biosphere Reserve,
coordinator for the Teletskaya school of youth ecotourism “Guardians of the Lake”.
Muravlev V.V. – A different Korbu.doc