Earth Hour 2012
30 марта 2012 года

Earth Hour 2012 The Earth Hour, an annual environmental event initiated and inspired by WWF, is scheduled on the last Saturday of every March. It is aimed at encouraging global participation in the future of our planet. Turning off non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour unites people in their joint desire to take a stand against climate change. One hour without electricity may seem like a minor step, but when viewed globally, this energy conservation initiative does make a difference.


In 2012 The Altaiskiy Reserve in association with GTRK Altai (state-owned TV and radio company) launched a series of radio programs devoted to ecological issues, the Altaiskiy Reserve and the 80th anniversary of its founding -  the Crossroads program (J. Mikhailova (editor and host of the program), P. Kazakovtsev (director)). 
This time the program is devoted to the Earth Hour and features an interview with Tatiana Ivanitskaya, press secretary for WWF's Altai-Sayan Project. Those who feel responsible for our planet’s exhaustible and limited resources are welcome to join Earth Hour 2012 on 31 March by turning off non-essential lights and other electrical appliances at exactly 8.30 pm until 9.30 pm in support for the occasion.



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