Образован 16 апреля 1932 года
Объект Всемирного природного наследия ЮНЕСКО (с 1998 года)
Включён во Всемирную сеть биосферных резерватов Программы ЮНЕСКО «Человек и биосфера» (МАБ) - 26 мая 2009 года
Входит в список «Global-200» - девственных или мало изменённых экорегионов мира, в которых сосредоточено 90% биоразнообразия планеты
A series of seminars will be held within the framework of microloan program for residents of Ust-Koksinskiy and Ulaganskiy Districts of the Altai Republic targeted at supporting local communities-based eco- and agritourism ventures. The program is initiated by the Altai-Sayan Mountain Partnership established by the Altaiskiy and the Katunskiy Biosphere Reserves.
Loans obtained within the program can be used for a number of projects: - launching and developing tourist leisure and accommodation zones (guest and green houses, tourist camp grounds, camping sites, etc.); - upgrading service sector (providing the necessary equipment and facilities for transportation and information services, excursions, museums and expositions, visitor centers, issuing travel guides, etc.); - expanding production of local goods to be sold to tourists (private plot products, souvenirs, organizing selling sites, souvenir shops, etc.); - marketing and promoting products and services (launching websites and pages, issuing prospects and other sales collateral, installing information boards, etc.).